5 Tips for working from home
For the first 17 years of my career I got up at 4:30 went to the gym and then headed off to work. I had to be at the office by 6:30 to be prepared to get my workers out the door with their daily jobs. I was working in the landscape industry so it was early to be early rise in those days. The time we had to work was from sun up to sun down and it started all over the next day. As you can imagine that was a long 17 years and I was pretty exhausted by then. So, when my Husband Quentin and I decided to pick up everything and move across the country to Michigan, I naturally thought it was a great time to do a major career move! I know right, let’s move to a state where we know no one and start a completely new career with a company based out of the Kansas City area. Well, as Elenore Roosevelt famously said “Do something that scares you every day”! I took this quote to heart and started in on a journey that would change my life forever. With this new car...